Friday, May 20, 2016

Pohnpei Island (Micronesia): The exact opposite thing you'd hope to discover

Discovery Channel Documentary, Carvings in Stone (Here, There and Everywhere): It's one thing to hack out a piece of stone, it's entirely another to cut unpredictable engravings, pictures, pictographs, and so forth in strong rock - it's not exactly as simple as cutting you and your partners initials in a tree trunk! The fact of the matter is clearly to pass on some kind of significant message to others. Be that as it may, the same reason for existing is expert, at far less exertion, by simply painting your pictures or pictographs, and so on the stone's surface. That simpler street was regularly gone, for instance in ancient hole craftsmanship. My inquiry is the reason the less demanding street wasn't generally voyaged. About all antiquated social orders, from Mesoamerica to old Egypt and the Middle East at any rate in some cases, regularly more than just now and again, took the harder street that ought to have been less gone for the lounge chair potato mates of those times. Why?

Discovery Channel Documentary, Easter Island (South Pacific): We're all acquainted with the baffling gigantic semi human stone statues that speck Easter Island, as well as for all intents and purposes characterize her topography in the eye of the easy chair voyager. Presently local people needed to work super difficult to hack out, build, cut, transport and raise these handfuls and many stone figures. An easygoing pastime this unquestionably wasn't! The reason clearly rotated around precursor love, however why the requirement for such a large number of? Americans may love Abe Lincoln however there is one and only Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. (a site similar in size to Easter Island) not multi-handfuls. Easter Island's "the reason" question hasn't been palatably addressed yet IMHO.

Discovery Channel Documentary, Pohnpei Island (Micronesia): The exact opposite thing you'd hope to discover on a little tropical island would be enormous misleadingly developed megalithic basaltic structures contained rocks and sections weighing up to 50 tons each and stacked more than 25 feet high without even primitive innovation like large animals load or the wheel accessible to the locals. However, such is the situation, a demolished city complex called Nan Madol. Since the stones/sections must be foreign and conveyed by neighborhood pontoons or kayaks from the closest terrain (really fundamental island), the aggregate sum of building, transporting and development exertion by a moderately little local populace must be massive - an effective "why" thought process more likely than not been grinding away. Either that or there was a basic "how" which changes in their conventions from the individuals who could suspend the gigantic stones with the guide of a flying monster to an enchantment payer which made substantial things weigh less.

Stonehenge (England): We're all very acquainted with the essential story diagram and pictures encompassing Stonehenge. Our precursors path in those days when to entirely some extensive push to develop this stone monument, now a noteworthy vacation spot. The "how" question is again not as vital as 'why'. One regular thought encompasses this stone monument as some kind of antiquated galactic PC utilized for stamping and praising the solstices; maybe likewise foreseeing lunar/sunlight based shrouds and other cosmic occasions of down to earth worth to seeker gatherers and ranchers. Oh dear, you could develop Stonehenge at one-tenth the size with just a tenth the backbreaking exertion and lose none of the structure's calculation capacities. On the other hand, you could build the gadget with locally accessible wood. That applies similarly too if Stonehenge were developed exclusively as a spot for social affairs/gatherings, or something to serve as a kind of 'sanctuary'. A wooden "Stonehenge" would have required far less push to develop and keep up, and wood-henges are unquestionably known not been built in England. Why were dragging enormous pieces of stone over numerous, numerous miles and after that dressing them and raising them up so basic as opposed to doing things the lounge chair potato way? Who truly knows?

Stone of the Pregnant Woman (Baalbek, Lebanon): There are numerous, numerous enormous stone hinders that have been quarried out and put to use in different megalithic structures from Machu Picchu in Peru, to those Easter Island Moai statues, to the Olmec stone heads in Mesoamerica, to Stonehenge itself, to the pyramids (Egyptian and Mesoamerican), to monoliths, even the Parthenon segments, and the rundown could be broadened a hundredfold. One hundred, two hundred, even more than three hundred ton squares of stone have been used. With regards to raised monoliths, 400 tons or more are not incomprehensible. At that point too there's Pharaoh Hatshepsut's 'unfinished pillar' that, had it not split in-situ, would have needed to have been raised by her subjects to the tune of hurling and pulling more than 1200 tons. Discuss backbreaking! At that point there's the Roman Temple of Jupiter complex at Baalbek (old Heliopolis), which incorporates adjacent under quarry the Stone of the South, also called the Stone of the Pregnant Woman that tips the scales at marginally more than 1000 tons. Be that as it may, hold up, there's more - another adjacent anonymous rock chunk times in at more than 1240 tons. Here's a definitive "why" question. What's the point? There was no "Guinness Book of Records" back then! Perhaps this was the antiquated's method for 'staying aware of the Joneses'. Anything you can manufacture I can fabricate greater!

Our Ice Age Ancestors (Europe): When you consider heaven, do you consider Tahiti or Patagonia; Florida or Siberia; Hawaii or Iceland? All else being equivalent, we have a tendency to lean toward warmth and daylight over cool and snow, particularly on the off chance that you need to live off the area. Along these lines, why, amid the late Ice Ages did some of our European precursors decide to squeeze or extreme out and experience a fairly pointless test of immaculate survival by giving Mother Nature the center finger and taking those nine months of serious ice and snow and solidifying temperatures every year when they could have gradually yet most likely relocated south as the icecaps additionally developed and moved south to hotter atmospheres. That would have been sensible. Most likely the human populace wasn't so extraordinary in those days that there weren't limitless and moderately uninhabited tracts of area with a way more lovely atmosphere. What was the inspiration to strikingly go and continue what none of our precursors had ever persisted some time recently?

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