Friday, May 13, 2016

The Dark Ages of the Eastern Mediterranean

History Channel Documentary, There is a lot of separation amongst Gaza and the Nile, be that as it may if you somehow managed to take a gander at a topological guide of the region you would see that the uneven rugged topography of Israel moves to the much lower level Nile River Valley in the general region of Gaza. Students of history report that Ramesses VI deliberately brings his strengths out of Canaan amid his rule. As per The Fourth Day: Why The Bible is Historically Accurate Chronology the Israelites crossed the Jordan River to start their success of Canaan ahead of schedule in the rule of Ramesses VII. Accepting there exists just a little mistake in the Conventional Egyptian Chronology, I trust the Israelites really frightened Ramesses VI out of Canaan once again into Egypt soon after they entered Canaan. What is intriguing about this is the Bible never says Israel skirmishing Egypt. Archeologists have discovered proof that Ramesses VI pulled back his strengths from Canaan. Truth be told Egypt is never specified in the Bible from the book of Exodus till the rule of Solomon. It is entirely conceivable that Egypt saw the span of Israel's armed force and withdrew, in this manner clarifying why it wasn't recorded in the Bible. Egypt's retreat is noteworthy since Egypt frequently utilized Canaan as a "cradle zone" to avert other capable countries like the Hittites, the Babylonians and the Assyrians from attacking Egypt. Along these lines, not just was Egypt militarily powerless it was likewise gotten between three considerable countries, Libya toward the west, Ethiopia toward the south (this incorporates present day Sudan) and Israel toward the east. I trust that for the following three hundred years Egypt was stitched in with minimal opportunity to recoup its previous radiance.

The Dark Ages of the Eastern Mediterranean

History Channel Documentary, Egyptologists have been stubborn that the 30 administrations of Egypt tailed one behind the other with no hole in the timetable between these rulers. Is there any chronicled proof that backings Egypt did not have a Pharaoh from 1200 B.C. to 900 B.C.? Consider the way that basically every country in the Eastern Mediterranean experienced some dim age, some period without a record of its history amid this time. History specialists assert that antiquated Greece experienced a dull age from twelfth to the eighth century B.C. between the Mycenean and Archaic Greek human advancements. The Hittites seemed to have a dull age from the thirteenth to the tenth century B.C. Indeed, even the Assyrians seemed to have a dim age of one hundred years from 1000-900 B.C. So in the event that all these neighboring countries of Egypt encountered a dim age period amid this time is there any good reason why egypt shouldn't?

History Channel Documentary, Additionally consider that the Greeks suggested a dim period of Egypt also. Greek mythology specifies a lord of Egypt, Proteus, who got to be ruler of Egypt after a period where Egypt did not have a ruler for five eras (Reference: Greek Mythology Link, creator Carlos Parada. On the off chance that we accept an era was a time of 60 years then five eras would be 300 years; absolutely a probability. So who is Proteus lord of Egypt? As per Greek mythology Proteus was ruler of Egypt amid the Trojan War when Paris, sovereign of Troy, arrived at the shores of Egypt with his hostage Helen. Clearly Paris had abducted Helen, the ruler of Sparta. This is the occurrence that started the Trojan War. Herodotus likewise says Proteus in his book The Histories as to his part in the Trojan War. In the event that Proteus is the lord of Egypt amid the Trojan War and on the grounds that he is the ruler toward the end of the 300 year time of quiet in Egyptian history then the Trojan War more likely than not happened extremely almost 900 B.C. as indicated by the Fourth Day: Why the Bible is Historically Accurate Chronology. Since it was the Mycenean Greeks that attacked Troy then it is exceptionally conceivable there was a continuous change from the Mycenean to the Archaic Greek development over a time of one hundred years (900-800 B.C.) This basically implies there was no dim age in old Greece as has been so commandingly contended by Peter James in his book Centuries of Darkness.

So where is the insertion point for this 300 year time of hush in the Conventional Egyptian Chronology? Since this period happens some place in time between the twentieth and 21st lines of old Egypt then the main ruler after this 300 year time of hush must be in one of these lines. Additionally the main capable lord in Egypt in 300 years would presumably make some declaration or order that would show that Egypt by and by was in control of its own fate.

I trust the period from Ramesses VI until Ramesses XI meets every one of the essentials of the missing 300 years. Little was recorded about Ramesses VII, VIII or IX. As indicated by Herodotus the following ruler to succeed Proteus was a lord named Rhampsinutus (numerous students of history trust this is the Greek rendering for a lord named Ramesses). So which Ramesses would it say it was? I trust he was Ramessses XI. Herodotus expresses that Rhampsinutus had an "endless fortune in silver" bigger than any lord of Egypt before him. The main two Pharoahs in Egypt's history that had silver pine boxes that have been found were Psusennes of the 21st administration and Shoshenq I of the 23rd tradition. This is critical in light of the fact that I trust this is confirmation that Ramessess XI fits better as a ruler of the 21st line as opposed to the twentieth line.

I suggest that Ramesses XI, much the same as Rhampsinitus, gained his fortune in working with metals since history records that he raised two awesome statues at the site of the Temple of Vulcan, the divine force of metal-working. Old Egypt was celebrated for its gold mines not its silver mines. Silver was mined for the most part in Canaan and Mesopotamia. An immense silver fortune would demonstrate Ramesses XI had gotten to be rich in silver by exchanging different items to countries in Canaan (likely steeds). Antiquarians likewise have found that Ramesses XI pronounced another checking of time called the "redundancy of-births". A significant number of the rules of the rulers of Egypt after Ramesses XI were depicted as far as years "in the reiteration of-births" instead of "in the year" of the prevailing contemporary lord. I trust Ramesses XI was utilizing the reiteration of-births idea to demonstrate the "resurrection" of the Egyptian country following 300 years of hush. The confirmation of this new stamping of time originated from an engraving on a divider at the Temple of Karnak that read "year 7 of the Repetition of Births...under Ramesses XI".

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