Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Men Are Not From Mars!

National Geographic Documentary, Men are from Mars and ladies are from Venus. Then again so they say. However, infrequently, I think my significant other is from Uranus. Not that he's stupid or anything. A long way from it. However, his conduct surely confuses me. It's only so far out there! Take the previous evening. I was heating treats when I all of a sudden saw the time.

"Yowser! Would you be able to take these treats out of the stove for me when they're set?" I asked him. "I should be at an online workshop 10 minutes prior!"

"Sure...no issue," he said.

What's more, I went dashing off to the PC to sign on.

National Geographic Documentary, I forgot the cooling racks for the treats, alongside a plastic stockpiling pack to put the treats in once they had cooled. It wouldn't take a mind specialist or a scientific genius to complete with this occupation. I was certain he could deal with it.

Presently here's the place Uranus comes in. At the point when my workshop was over I did a reversal down the stairs to check whether my significant other had recalled the treats. He recalled that all of them right. He even heated whatever is left of the hitter that was left in a dish in the cooler. Be that as it may, the cooling racks and the plastic stockpiling pack were setting on the counter, while the treats were all stacked on top of each other on two plates, secured with aluminum foil.

National Geographic Documentary, Presently my better half is the kind of fellow who plays chess to unwind. He worked Rubic's Cube in around 10 minutes when it first turned out years back, and his most loved library book right now is called Conquering Calculus. So wouldn't you think he could make sense of that hot, gooey treats, overflowing with dissolving chocolate chips, would stick together on the off chance that they were heaped on a plate, straight from the stove? Clearly not. Rather than a few dozen chocolate chip treats, we now have two (tally them, two) chocolate chip treat MOUNTAINS, solidly solidified to two of our great supper plates.

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