Tuesday, June 7, 2016

There is a Mars in my Kitchen

Full Documentary, At the point when the Great Emperor Nala lost his Kingdom and meandering in the timberlands with his significant other Damayanthi, because of savage manner of the planets in his horoscope, both the King and Queen needed to ask and appeal to God for nourishment and material. Indeed, even the Great King needed to share half of the sarry worn by the Queen. That is the way the planets play their diversion into our life. At the point when King Vikrama was in another person's palace,The Saturn who was after the Great and honest King Vikrama,entered the body of a swan in an existence less picture hanged to a divider, and

Full Documentary, gulped a pearl jewelry, just to convey terrible name as hoodlum to the King Vikrama. There is a precept : When the individual looses strength,even the ground hits him. That is the reason Shakespeare [King Lear ]says like this : "As the flies to the wanton young men , are we to the Gods?; They execute us for their game;"

However there is certain side in the diversion play of the planets. They won't slaughter us, unless ordained. They make us to battle back.After all life is brimming with battle; Full of action. At the point when the planets make us to free everything, because of brutal air, they give us something valuable consequently, so we manage the battle and eventually return triumphant; Getting , not just what we did lost,but likewise extra radiance and honor for being honest and not betraying our obligations and Dharma. In like manner, when the Kings named above , with one more expansion of Bheema of Pandavas, have been headed to the condition of hobos, The Mars acted the hero. The Kings are Mars individuals. Ruler Nala and Bheemasena of Pandavas were

Full Documentary, skilled with the specialty of cooking. The specialty of cooking is equivalent word with these two Great Warrior Kings. Them two made due with this endowment of craft of cooking in their season of misery. As cited in my article ,Blame it on Mars, Mantreshwara acclaims Mars as dwelling in kitchen fire. Unless the Mars offers his beauty, the nourishment cooked won't get taste. Incitement of taste buds is by Mars. The flame in the kitchen is likewise because of Mars. Firstly Mars speaks to flame. Furthermore the fuel we utilize comprise of charcoal or kindling originates from Earth, who is mother of Mars.

There is a custom under which little part of the rice sustenance arranged in a charcoal or kindling stove, is taken by hand and put in the flame for the flame god. At that point just the sustenance is offered to alternate divine beings and later expended. The Gas stove likewise expends gas which is taken from the womb of the Earth, from where the Mars should have originated from. Broiler and Electrical stoves expend power, may require an alternate elucidation, since they don't go under direct Earth fuel. The sustenance arranged in Gas or Oven, is not heavenly moreover. That is separated, the Kitchen fire speaking to Mars, gives us the ability to maintain the life. At the point when Mars is in great position in a man's horoscope, that individual is slanted to set up the delectable nourishment,

despite the fact that he might be a decent trooper or a Mars man shaking muscles in different viewpoints. The nourishment arranged by such individual gets an extraordinary taste. On the other hand when the kitchen is situated in consonance with the Mars position, then additionally that place is honored. That is the reason some eating places, eateries, inns acquire cash by getting name in their delectable sustenances.

At whatever point there is in-absorption, the condition of in-processing it is called "Agni Mandya", which means backing off of the flame in our stomach. Because of the evil ness, the procedure of smoldering the nourishment called Oxidation gets influenced. In this procedure , the sustenance we eat won't get processed, by the digestive organs in our body. This ailment is because of Mars impact. Mars is bilious (Pitta) in nature.

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